Monday, May 11, 2009

Yao Ming looks like Tom Brady

I figured for my first real post.. I'd talk about my first love, no not you Rachel Portner, Basketball. My dad was a fanatic. He put me into all sorts of leagues, bring me along to watch Clipper and UCLA games, taught me all the basic old white man moves. (Move over Stockton!)

Then I saw Hakeem Olajuwon destroying David Robinson who had unjustly won MVP over The Dream. He was 7 feet tall, but moved faster and more gracefully than most guards, he defied all the laws physically of what a Center should be. From that point I was hooked. Watching games everytime my dad had one on, playing non stop. There was only one problem, my dad has this weird thing about him where he loves underdog teams, the loveable losers. Which meant in our house.. we root for the underdogs (the Clippers) and hate the perennial winners (the Lakers).

One thing i know how to do.. is hate the Lakers. I despise them. Seeing an attractive girl at a bar throw her hands up when Kobe does something ridiculous makes me want to punch her in the face. I developed my own reasons to hate them apart from my dad's. He hates Kobe, everything Kobe does and everything Kobe stands for. I hate everything and everyone on that team.. except Josh Powell (love you boo). Bynum, the over-paid over-hyped over-rated primadonna, Pau Gasol who runs like a gay Velociraptor, Farmar's ridiculous aura thinking he's good, eventhough he can't take the starting spot from Fisher. Do I even need to begin talking about Vujacic? Top to bottom they're dispicable, every last one of them.

But I didn't care.. not this year.. no way, no how. Yeah, they'd be good this year, among the top of the league. Even if they make it past Houston, Utah, San Antonio and New Orleans, there's no way they're going to beat the Celtics.. But this season was a disaster. Houston underacheived and T-Mac shut it down for the season in February.. things were looking up, then Yao breaks his foot. Utah, well.. they were Utah. San Antonio aged about 30 years over one summer. And people realized New Orleans was probably the worst team in the league without Chris Paul, so they focused all their energy on containing him.

But that was no big deal to me.. eventhough I thought these teams could pose a threat to LA, deep down i knew LA was better than all of them. But something happened I didn't expect. MO WILLIAMS aka who the fuck is this guy? Really?? this is all it took to add to the Cavs awful line up to have a championship team? It's OK Isaac.. it's OK. Boston is still better. It'll be Boston and LA, and Boston will beat LA, and the world will be right. KG IS HURT? Well it's okay.. Leon Powe is good enough to cause a threat.. huh? he's hurt too?? well.. who do we have to replace him? Brian Scalabrine... Big Baby Davis... shit.

I'm on the verge of the worst possible finals I could imagine. I hate the Cavs and LeBron nearly as much as I hate the Lakers. The difference is.. the Lakers can't keep this up. Kobe's getting older, and Gasol just isn't a number one option. But their fans.. they're awful. they're the epitomy of what is wrong with the NBA. They're headline readers, they're sheep, they aren't real basketball fans, they're fans of hype. They love being part of the group, having real conversations about how Kobe is better than Jordan. They really think their bench alone is a playoff team. Meanwhile they have no idea who Kevin Durant is, or how pretty Michael Redd's jumpshot is, that Chris Paul could go down as the 2nd best PG ever, or how fun the Hawks young athletic team is to watch. They bite into the hype ESPN and the NBA creates because LA is such a large, STUPID market. If the Lakers win.. it will justify everything these idiots say, with no real knowledge. It's like guessing on the SATS for every question and still walking away with a perfect score. It feeds the delusion. They just keep lucking out. Last year they were a first round exit team until they traded their worst player for Gasol. That shit doesn't happen to other teams. It just doesn't.

But if the Cavs win.. LeBron is only 24. everyone on his team is replaceable, and he'd still be a threat to win a championship every year. And the Hype machine will just turn its targets to Ohio. Can you imagine? Cleveland being a desired place to play? The NBA turning one of the historically worst franchises in the league into one of the biggest markets they have.

I guess there's some hope after all.. Ricky Rubio.. you better not suck.. Go Cavs.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really like sports or care to know anything about it... at all.. but I like that you mention an elementary school crush.. on your blogging rant about sports.. somehow she is worked into's amazing.

    :) welcome to the blogging world.
